Tribalism is a system built to make a few win and many lose. Let tribalism die.
I don't agree with treating anyone differently based on anything.
Everyone needs equitable affordances. If you don't speak a language in use, you should have access to a translator. If you are vision impaired, you should have access to alt text.
The concept that we are valued differently is based on a system that was created to make winners and losers. I don't want anyone to be a loser. Because who your mom or dad procreated with does not mean you have a starting value that you can augment or diminish with education, influence, or money. You have a value equal to everyone else. You do not have any buffs or debuffs based on your ethnicity, and the assumption that that is undesirable. I will not lower my standards based on your ethnicity, just like I will not raise my standards if you're the child of a wealthy and well-respected person.
Tribalism rears its grotesque head in labor. Because someone is a medical doctor or material scientist, it does not mean they are more valuable than the barista who made their coffee this morning. We need all of us to specialize in different labor so we can have the benefits of a modern society.
I will not treat you differently based on race, labor, sex, nationality, ability, education, socioeconomic status, political affiliation, etcetera.
I want to see tribalism die.