
Photo by Wylly Suhendra / Unsplash

You are not that unique.

What separates us from each other is a slim veil. Current (US) culture takes those differences and artificially amplifies it into a much bigger deal than it ever should be.

The polarization or tribalism of our world is at the benefit those who control. It’s how governments and groups define winners and losers. It’s how we distribute wealth and resources.

Part of becoming a nihilist is realizing how much bullshit our society places on everyone for no valid reason.

Should someone have a worse living condition because of their melatonin production? Should we not trust someone with technology due to age? Should we assume abilities based on who their dad fucked? That is absolutely absurd.

Do people fulfill stereotypes because they keep being forced into that box? Yes. That’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. So the only way this is made true is because we’re trying to force people into a box and they decide to stop resisting and stay there. How fucked up is that? That‘s control over a population Due to the slim veil that separates us.